Ajax Fiori delivers Advanced Concrete Equipment

Ajax Fiori is always striving to bring to the market innovative, modern technology, superior quality, versatile, highly manoeuvrable, yet simple and cost effective solutions through its world-class construction equipment, to cater particularly to the concreting sector.
Ajax Fiori’s Self Loading Mobile Concrete Mixer is utilised as a merger of Loader, Mobile Batching Plant and Transit Mixer for small to medium volume concrete requirements. These machines are equipped with a Concrete Batch Controller to obtain the required quality of concrete by allowing the operator to calibrate the quantity of aggregates into the mixer as per mix design. These all-wheel drive machines are also available with crab steering hence are highly manoeuvrable. These machines can be deployed in any kind of terrain. The SLCMs are available in 3 models viz. Argo1000 with 1 cu.m drum having an output capacity up to 3 cu.m/hr, Argo 2000 with 2 cu.m drum having an output capacity up to 8 cu.m/hr and Argo 4000 with 4 cu.m drum with a output capacity up to 12 cu.m/hr. They are also available in variants as tunnel dumpers and transit mixers.
Ajax Fiori has also established itself in the Batching Plant arena, offering its customers in various technologies and capacities yet compact in design, apart from the dominance in Self Loading Mobile Concrete Mixer.
The Compact Reduced Bin Batching Plant with planetary mixer – capacity of 30 cu.m/hr is the latest addition to its product portfolio.
The USP of Reduced Compact Batching Plant is that they are supplied standard with planetary mixers and customised PLC based control system. More so, these planetary mixers are manufactured in-house under strict quality control procedures, in technical collaboration with Eurostar, Italy.
World over, the planetary mixers have replaced the turbo mixers for most applications, owing to its capability of producing high quality concrete of different types. The key benefits of planetary mixers over conventional turbo mixers are:
• The planetary mixer mixing tools rotate in a synchronised manner and are able to turn the material distributing all of the material uniformly in the pan without favouring the different nature of the materials creating a homogeneous mix; each revolution changes the flow pattern.
• The intensity of the mixing action, appropriate speeds combined with design of the mixing tools provide a complete homogenisation and an efficient flow pattern.
• The pan of the planetary mixer is completely empty thus allowing the material to cover the complete area in a minimum time.
• Planetary mixers have a single type of mixing tool with a geometry that together with a combination of movements distributes evenly the material.
The Compact Reduced Bin Batching Plant (CRB) of 30 cu.m/hr capacity was designed to fulfil the need of its customer in the RMC and infrastructure segments. In today’s competitive world capital and operational cost play a vital role in the success of the business.
• The CRB 30 eliminates the need of the belt conveyor for handling aggregates and there by reduces the capital cost by 30 per cent compared to other similar plants available in the market.
• Aggregate weighing system is independent of skip transfer system, thereby reducing the cycle time and increases productivity.
• The entire plant can be transported in a single trailer and thereby reducing transportation cost compared to other plants.
• Plug and Play electrical system, thereby fast erection at site.
• Compact layout, hence minimal space required.
• Minimal concrete foundation required for erection.
• Skid foundation also available as optional which eliminates the need of a foundation.
Ajax Fiori Engineering (I) Pvt Ltd
# 253/1, 11th Main, 3rd Phase, Peenya Industrial Area,
Bangalore – 560058, Karnataka
Toll free: 1800-4190-628 I Tele: +91-80-67200027
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