Build enables sustainability

In GPL we have been successfully implementing ASTA, Revit, Aconex and structural analysis software, which helps us in handling the ambitious growth plan in a sustainable manner.
The word construction evokes the image of building huge structures with concrete, steel, brickwork and mortar under trying environmental conditions using muscle and machine power, unlike other industries under controlled and comfortable physical environment. However technological development is rapidly changing every aspect of this oldest industry from designing, building to monitoring through mechanisation, automation, computerisation and digitisation. According to Jayanand Potdar, Chief Operation Officer, Godrej Properties Ltd state-of-the-art techniques are progressively being used in construction industry today like:
• Building information management (BIM)
• Use of drones for monitoring construction
• Augmented reality which is getting into the mixed reality phase – through smart helmets which provide a clear picture of what is to be constructed during execution
• Sustainable energy efficient building solutions including smart homes
• Integrated mobile and information technology at site.
Within the construction industry, the infrastructure, power and oil and gas sectors adopt and adapt to the new technological developments fast by virtue of the sheer complexity of the projects. Real estate industry is also gearing to catch up with the increase in number of high rise residential and complex mixed use commercial buildings.
Engineering and design
BIM platform which integrates various software required for modelling, analysing, designing the buildings (3D models), which can be extended to 4D and 5D – from project conception to hand over.
Project planning: Setting up BIM project to succeed right from the start by using the right contracts, the right processes and the right technology.
Pre-construction: Developing the model early to virtually build and analyse the project, prior to physical construction – through seamless integration of different software such as rhino and grasshopper for parametric architecture, STAAD, ETABS, SAFE, ADAPT, SAP 2000 for structural analysis and design and Revit for 3D modelling.
Marketing: Using model as a marketing tool to establish and improve customer connect.
Construction: Leveraging the model throughout construction to build safer and with better quality.
Closeout: Delivering a better product to customer who improves the preparedness for future operations and maintenance.
Platforms like Aconex for establishing and controlling the pre-construction work flow, project documentation including resolution of all construction related issues – mobile technologies have changed the way of work in the field to optimise efficiencies and access information faster.
While sharing about adopting the technology in their projects, Potdar said, “In GPL we have been successfully implementing ASTA, Revit, Aconex and structural analysis software, which helps us in handling the ambitious growth plan in a sustainable manner.”
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