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Construction Industry Doyen award for Hirco’s V. Suresh

V Suresh, Principal Executive Officer, Hirco was honoured with the achievement award for Industry Doyen conferred on him by the Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC). The award was presented at a ceremony held during the 3rd CIDC Vishwakarma Awards 2011 in New Delhi.
With over 46 years of rich professional experience, Mr. Suresh has contributed immensely to the all-round growth of housing, infrastructure and urban development. His contribution has included appropriate technology applications, National Network of Building Centres, Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation Projects in different parts. The Capacity Building programmes with which he has been closely involved have been received well within the country and abroad.
Mr. Suresh has been actively associated with the drafting of the National Building Code of India 2005 in his capacity as the Vice-Chairman of the NBC 2005. He is also the Chairman of the Housing Committee of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). He has assisted National and International agencies in Sustainable Human Settlements Development, and is currently closely associated with Good Urban Governance initiatives. He was formerly the CMD of HUDCO.
Mr. Suresh is a passionate advocate of sustainable development and continues to pursue disaster resistant, environment friendly and energy efficient options in the real estate industry. He is a leading member of the Green Building movement.
Acknowledging the prestigious award, Mr. Suresh said that he is honoured and humbled and is grateful for this recognition of his contribution to the construction industry over the last four decades. He added, “With India’s fast-paced growth, the construction industry would be playing a major role in the economic and employment generating sectors using sustainable and appropriate technologies needed for housing and infrastructure development.”


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