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A Manual for Home! [Nov 2011]

A Manual for Home! Everything we buy today, be it a TV, a laptop, a mixer grinder or even the most basic toy bought for a kid has a guide with information on how to play or operate it, so why not homes?
Mayuresh Group, developers of an IGBC Platinum rated affordable township ‘Eco Eden City’ in Boisar will be providing its residents with a user manual with instructions on how to use their home. This unique feature will be provided to residents for the first time in India by any developer.
User manuals at Eco Eden City will have step by step directions on things like how to segregate waste in the two colour coded dustbins, how to make use of the windows and cross ventilation analysis done to keep the temperature lower, how to conserve water etc. Things like work drawing, location of ducts, electrical wiring Plans, Plumbing Plans, Water Line Location. Species of trees planted in the garden, criteria behind selection and maintenance procedure everything will be clearly stated to make life easy for the residents. The user manual will also help the residents solve normal day to day operational problems in a home. In short, all the details anyone can require about the home or the township will be available in a written form.
Apart from spelling out what to do, the user manual will bring into light the benefit of doing whatever advised. It will also create awareness of the sustainable and eco friendly measures undertaken at Eco Eden City by Mayuresh and how they work for the betterment of the community at large.


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