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Cabinet approves multi-modal transport in AP [Apr 2012]

In an aim to provide better transportation facilities in cities, the Government has to upgrade railway infrastructure for introduction of multi-modal transport system in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secundrabad at an estimated cost of Rs. 632.68 crore.
“The upgradation will be able to serve the habited areas of the rapidly expanding twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. A large number of people residing in and around the twin cities areas will benefit from this project”, the Government release said.
Out of the total expenditure of Rs. 632.68 crore, two-third i.e.Rs. 421.79 crore will be borne by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. One-third of the cost will be funded from the gross budgetary support of Indian Railways. The project is expected to be completed in three years during 12th Plan Period.


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