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Delta India Electronics unveils new green office building in Gurgaon

Delta India Electronics Pvt. Ltd., the global power management and thermal management solutions major, launches its new green corporate office in Gurgaon, Haryana. As part of Delta’s expansion plans in India, the new eco‑friendly corporate office supports Delta’s commitment to the environment. This facility also doubles as a manufacturing unit for Delta display solutions.
Attending the grand opening ceremony were Bruce Cheng, founder and chairman, Delta Electronics, Inc., Yancey Hai, vice chairman and CEO, Delta Electronics, Inc., James Ng, chairman, Delta Electronics (Thailand) PLC., and Henry Shieh, president, Delta Electronics (Thailand) PLC., Pisan Manawapat, Ambassador, Thailand High Commission, Wen-chyi, Ong, Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Center (TECC), Paul Shek, Deputy Representative, TECC, and David Hsu, Director, Economic Division, TECC, and more.
“Environmental and energy issues are not only a major focus of our product development and manufacturing but they have become a part of our lives. At Delta we realize our special responsibility to the environment and we are involved on many fronts. This new green corporate office in India supports our green mission and it also demonstrates the significant growth of Delta India Electronics. We are committed to providing energy efficient solutions as well as being environmentally conscious by reducing waste and carbon emissions around the world,” said Bruce Cheng, founder and chairman, Delta Electronics, Inc.
Delta has invested in India since 2003. The company currently has three manufacturing units located in Rudrapur, Gurgaon, Pondicherry and two R&D centers in Gurgaon and Bangalore. Over the past few years, Delta has become a renowned name in telecom power solutions, uninterruptible power systems (UPSs), display solutions, industrial automation, and components, with many top-tier clients for its various product lines in Indian market.
The new Gurgaon building is designed using energy efficient architecture, eco‑friendly building materials, and building management systems that provide a vibrant clean, healthy and safe workplace for employees. Delta India Electronics has applied for a platinum rating for this new corporate office in accordance with the guidelines of the Indian Green Building Council’s LEED standards.
Dalip Sharma, managing director of Delta India Electronics, said, “Energy efficiency and environmental conservation have long been an important part of our mission. In our endeavour to adopt practices that go beyond mere compliance with ecological guidelines, we have, over the past decade, committed ourselves to conducting business with a passionate respect for the environment. Delta India Electronics is aggressively moving forward, keeping pace with the growing Indian market. We strive to be a company focused on improving our processes, innovation, product quality, professional services and solutions thereby creating value for our customers, employees and stakeholders.”
Major green features incorporated in the new building include:
•      35 per cent energy savings compared to a conventional building: a rooftop solar energy solution with a capacity of around 55 kWh of energy, use of LED streetlights, T5 and LED lighting, natural light harvesting, screw compressor based water chillers with COP (coefficient of performance) of 6, and primary variable pumping coupled with heat recovery wheel;
•      40 per cent reduction in water compared to a conventional building: installation of an anaerobic sewage treatment plant, use of recycled water for non-consumption applications such as flushing and gardening purposes, rainwater harvesting pits, grasscrete for surface water recharge, and local low water consuming plantation;
•      Eco-friendly materials: use of autoclaved aerated blocks, fly ash in the concrete aggregate mix, gypsum and Bagasse wood, recycled aluminium, double laminated glass with insulation using Low-E glass in the structural glazing and fenestrations, and zero VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints and adhesives;
•      Healthy environment: VAVs (variable air volumes) using non-ozone depleting R 410-A as the refrigerant gas, and eco-friendly housekeeping practices.


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