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ISH 2025 Designplus Award to spotlight HVAC innovations

ISH 2025 Designplus Award to spotlight HVAC innovations

ISH 2025, the world’s largest HVAC and water trade show, will feature the coveted Designplus Award, which recognises industry innovation and sustainability.

As the world’s largest trade expo, ISH establishes standards for water, heating, and air. The Designplus Award, presented by ISH in cooperation with Stylepark, will return in 2025 as a platform for outstanding ideas and design quality. The expert jury has made a decision. 34 nominees were chosen from over 160 submissions and will be featured in an exclusive special exhibition in the foyer of Hall 5.1 throughout the ISH. The award winners will be announced on the first day of the fair at a lively awards ceremony at 2 p.m. in the Design Plaza of Hall 3.1.

The ISH Designplus Award was selected in stages. First, the nominees were chosen, followed by a final meeting where the jury selected the winners. The independent jury included renowned experts from the sanitation and heating industries, including Elke Oechsner (Managing Director Heizungs-Journal Verlags GmbH), Prof. Amandus Samsøe Sattler (ensømble studio architektur, President DGNB e.V.), Matthias Thiel (Consultant Business Administration Data Management, Demographic Change at ZVSHK – Zentralverband Sanitär Heizung Klima), and Jens Wischmann (Managing Director of VDS – Vereinigung Deutsche Sanitärwirtschaft). Particular emphasis was placed on sustainability and degree of innovation, as well as functional and aesthetic aspects.  

“We received a wide range of submissions from the plumbing, heating, energy, ventilation, and software sectors,” said jury member Jens Wischmann. ‘This is an outstanding example of how diverse the HVAC sector is. It is particularly wonderful to see not only beautiful design but also extremely inventive, solution-orientated items that represent a significant improvement. This gives me hope for a great ISH 2025.’ The solution orientation is consistent with this year’s thematic focus of the ISH, which provides visitors with a better orientation through eight solution zones.

The nominated items showcase the industry’s diversity and current advances in the following categories: water and efficiency, HVAC and sustainability, smart and control, design and innovation, young innovators, and sustainable exhibition stands. Both huge industrial corporations and new, inventive start-ups are represented. The items presented come from 24 nations, demonstrating ISH’s global importance as the world’s biggest trade exhibition for HVAC and water.

Jury members attended the meeting. From left to right: Jens Wischmann (Managing Director of VDS—Vereinigung Deutsche Sanitärwirtschaft e.V. & Managing Director of VdZ—Wirtschaftsvereinigung Gebäude und Energie e.V.), Matthias Thiel (Consultant Business Administration, Data Management, Demographic Change at ZVSHK—Zentralverband Sanitär Heizung Klima), Elke Oechsner (Managing Director Heizungs-Journal Verlags GmbH), Stefan Seitz (Director ISH Brand Management), Franziska von Schumann (Publisher Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH).

For more details, visit: http://ish.messefrankfurt.com/ish-2025-designplus-nominees

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