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Renewal energy solution for energy consumption in Pharma industry by Synefra [Nov 2011]

Renewal energy solution for energy consumption in Pharma industry by Synefra
Integrated Infrastructure Solutions’ provider Synefra Engineering & Construction, a Tanti Group Company, bagged a unique contract for project management from India’s leading vaccine manufacturer, Serum Institute of India.  They spearheaded the conceptualisation and implementation of Biomass Briquettes fired steam generator as a replacement for the existing oil fired steam generator at Serum Institute production facility. This renewal energy solution, apart from huge cost savings, shall qualify for lucrative carbon credits. This unique solution by Synefra has great potential to set a trend in the Pharmaceutical sector to opt for a cleaner and greener technology.  Synefra stated that the biggest advantage is the reduction in operating cost. The savings are so phenomenal that the entire investment of new boiler house with pollution control system will be paid back in less than 12 months depending on the number of hours of operation and load factor.


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