ACC launches self compacting concrete solution for high intensity towers [July 2012]
Ready mix concrete manufacturer ACC Concrete, a subsidiary of ACC Ltd., introduced a self compacting concrete solution M-100 grade which is designed for the construction of high intensity towers. Concrete pumping in towers is a challenging task that needs specialised solutions and technology. Witnessing an upcoming trend of vertical high towers in India, ACC organised a live demonstration seminar of pumping Special Hi Tower Concrete at ACC Thane complex. The demo-seminar showcased the process of pumping the special grade of concrete and the display of self compacting, temperature controlled and M – 100 grade of concrete over 300 metres.
Highlighting the key characteristics of M100 grade, Hans Fuchs, Managing Director, ACC Concrete said, “Today, vertical growth is seen as the only solution to meet the growing demand for space in metros in India. In Mumbai alone 128 towers with a height of more than 300 feet are planned to come up in the next 3 – 4 years while 75 towers of more than 300 feet height already exist. Concrete Pumping to such heights require special mix of desired RMX grades in which ACC Concrete specialises”.
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