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TERI gets WIPRO’s supercomputer

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), a premier institute working on climate change issues has acquired the state-of-the-art supercomputer from WIPRO to develop a better understanding of climate variability and climate change at different spatial and temporal scales.
Climate change has emerged as a global challenge to sustainable development and worldwide climate scientists are focused on constantly improving the understanding of the climate dynamics and associated impacts. India is significantly vulnerable to climate change and there is still a significant lack of institutional capacity in the country for generating the right kind of strategic knowledge that can help policy makers in informed decision making to deal with climate change.
According to Dr R K Pachauri, Director General of TERI, “Climate modeling at TERI envisions addressing key environmental challenges from global to local levels, by providing plausible scientific knowledge on climate change issues with the help of next generation climate models. WIPRO’s supercomputer will help in fine-tuning the complexities attached in predicting the climate patterns so that they can be used for climate change projections and regional impact assessment studies”.
As a renowned global institute, TERI has been consciously endeavouring to upscale its institutional capabilities for climate change projections, both at global and regional scales, and to assess climate impacts on important sectors like agriculture, water resources and health. With the acquisition of Wipro’s supercomputer, TERI will not only become one of the leading centers of excellence on climate modeling in the Indian subcontinent but also a hub for regional and global data, training, and capacity building.
“A successful development policy can be formulated only if the uncertainties in climate impact assessments can be minimized, or at least quantified. I am happy that TERI has acquired Wipro’s supercomputer to perform the new generation Earth’s climate system simulation”, said Azim Premji, Chairman, Wipro Limited.


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