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Eliminate radiations: lead a healthier, stress-free life

Eliminate radiations: lead a healthier, stress-free life
Negative radiations known as “geopathic stress” can affect the health of people, interpersonal relationships among the staff and overall the outcome of any organisation. Pranav Poddar discusses as to how to protect from the effect of geopathic stress and help in better health and higher work outputPranav Poddar, Director, Syenergy Environics Ltd.Have you ever noticed why you feel happy and delighted at one place and feel restless at another place? Why employees of a particular department of an office do not perform or leave the organisation more frequently? Why machines kept at a particular place break down more frequently than others?
A study carried out on 600 office workers in the United States showed that 20 per cent of the employees experience symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), causing headaches, tension between staff, loss of concentration, depression, stress and fatigue. Other estimates reported that up to 30 per cent of new, refurbished buildings across the world may be affected by this syndrome (WHO 1983 and 1986). It was found that SBS can also cause a high rate of absenteeism, increase staff turnover and lowers morale of people.
This is because of negative radiations present in the building. These negative radiations could be due to a phenomenon known as “Geopathic Stress” and are created when the natural flow of energies in the environment is disturbed. Bio-electromagnetic radiations emanating from some of the earth’s natural sources (e.g. magnetic grid lines, underground water streams etc.) are some of the radiations that are classified as “geopathic stress”.
Energies and their flows are also governed by phenomena like shape of plot and structure, relative shapes of land, floor and roof of structure, slope of land, types of materials used in construction, location and size of doors and windows, and other aspects.
Harmful effects of geopathic radiationsThese radiations are 200 times stronger than the average energy absorption level of the human body; hence they start affecting the health of people if they are subjected to these radiations over a long period of time. In the building, geopathic stress can affect your health, especially if you are sitting or sleeping on a geopathic stress zone. If you find that your sleepless nights have no apparent reason, you may do well to check for geopathic stress in your bedroom.
Geopathic stress does not cause any illness directly, but lowers one’s immunity, exerting a weak but continuous stress. According to the Dulwich Health Society, most common indications of geopathic stress are resistance to medical treatment, a feeling of being run-down and exhausted, depression, nervousness, loss of appetite, and not absorbing the necessary vitamins and minerals. Not wanting to go to bed and when in bed: insomnia, restless sleep, feeling cold, cramps, tingling in arms and legs, and fatigue.
In many cases, exposure to geopathic stresses over a long time (a few years) has led to serious diseases such as cancer. Extensive research in West Germany, Austria, the United Kingdom and France from 1940s on more than 100,000 people has shown that they cause blood pressure, stress, skin diseases etc. Also, almost 100 per cent correlation was found between geopathic stress and cancer.
Study done by Ernst Hartmann, Germany (1940s-60s)Hartmann was the first to describe the global geomagnetic grids and geo stress. After 30 years of research, he concluded that cancer is a disease of location.
Study done by Ralf Gordon, England (1980s-90s)Gordon correlated cancers of the lung, breast and cervix with geo stress in 90 per cent of all cases.
Study done by Kathe Bacheler, Austria (1989)In a survey that included 3,000 apartments and over 11,000 people, Bacheler discovered 100 per cent correlation between geopathic stress and 500 cases of cancer she studied. She alsofound 95 per cent correlation with problem children.Correction of geopathic stress and negative radiationsThe facts mentioned above may scare an individual initially as they may wonder as to how they will know whether the place where they live or work in is free of geopathic stress?
There are instruments available to detect sources of radiation in any environment or built space, which give the exact location and orientation of the radiation line and zone. Recently, innovative research has led to the development of systems and protocols which can detect and then, with the use of specially developed chips, change the nature of radiation so that it is no longer harmful for a person. These corrections and changes can be done non-intrusively. Also, no changes in lifestyle or in place of living or working are required by individuals.
Syenergy Environics Ltd. has been working on environmental radiations and its impact on human health since 2005. The company has developed a science and a service called Environics, which neutralises the impact of some of the harmful radiations and energy flows from geopathic stresses and certain building materials present in our living and working environment: homes, offices, factories, etc. Electromagnetic radiations from mobile phones, mobile transmission towers, computers, laptops and other Wi-Fi communication devices are also corrected by its newly developed product “Enviro Chip” and “Enviro Strip”. Environics provide simple, nondestructive and effective solutions to correct energy flows within a space, enhance health, improve interpersonal relationships, and efficiency. One of the instruments used by Environics is known as the “Lecher Antenna”, which detects the various sources of bio-electromagnetic radiations in any environment and measures the impact of a particular radiation on the human body.Solutions have been implemented in over 1,000 establishments (homes, offices, plants, factories, etc.) in India in the past 7 years in assets worth more than Rs 3 lakh crores and have benefitted over 60,000 people. Feedback received from more than 250 establishments and 3,000 people have proved that more than 45 per cent of them have reported better health, interpersonal relationships and higher work output. There are no side effects or no downside after implementing these solutions.
The Environics energy correction at various real estate projects has produced excellent results for the developers. Negative energies in buildings due to geopathic stresses (magnetic grid lines of the earth, underground water streams, etc.) and building materials create health disturbances for people who live or work in those buildings. Negative energies at sites also create hurdles for developers during construction, which can delay completion of the building.
A case study of Infozone, an IT Park built in Electronic City, Bangalore, can be taken. It was a beautiful building with more than 1-lakh-sq.-foot area with all modern amenities and facilities for IT corporate. However, it was lying vacant for more than 1.5 years after completion. Prospective clients used to visit the building to buy or lease the space, but none of them signed any deals. One of the common reasons that they used to give was that they didn’t feel too good when they entered that building. When Syenergy Environics was contacted and given the assignment to do the energy corrections in that building, it found that the entire building had very bad energies due to various sources. Syenergy carried out its energy correction work in the entire building and on all the floors. The assignment took about 3 days to complete, after which, within 4 months the entire building got booked. Some of the customers who had visited the building earlier also felt a drastic change in the environment and ended up taking office space in this building.
Syenergy’s energy correction work at various construction sites have also led to marked improvement, leading to faster progress in work, lower accident rates and an overall general feeling of well-being which makes the occupants feel more relaxed and less stressed. Less stress leads to increase in work output for the individual and for the company. More and more companies and multinationals are opting for energy corrections at their workplaces for creating a more conducive atmosphere for their staff. People who have implemented these solutions in their buildings and establishments have reported better health and productivity.
International bodies and the governments should look at the data presented by many scientists across the globe over the last 80 years and make policies which require architects and developers to conduct geopathic surveys in a site before construction as well as plan the developments in a better way so that maximum care is taken in avoiding geopathic stress zones while construction and planning of layouts.
Feedback on solutions implemented Feedback was collected on four main parameters from more than 400 individuals and officials from industry where these solutions were implemented over the last 7 years and the results were analysed. The results are shown in alongside table.


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