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Alu-Form construction: home for all in half the time

Alu-Form construction: home for all in half the time
Since Alu-Form construction method involves less skilled labour and conventional construction materials, it is ideally suited for the speedy completion of affordably priced homes, avers Kishor Pate, CMD, Amit Enterprises Housing
The Alu-Form system is a revolutionary innovation in construction technology that allows for the speedy, accurate and highly consistent casting of all internal and external walls, columns, beams, floor slabs, stairs and other parts of a concrete building. It is an integrated system which merges the wall and slab panels into a seamless unit. With a drastic reduction of form-jointed sections, the end products have superior resilience to wear, tear and degradation.
This progressive technology is now being used in two of his projects in Pune and also one project in Nasik.
Alu-Form construction methodUsing the building’s architectural blueprint as a guideline, highly resilient aluminium panels are pre-designed for all concrete elements of the building’s superstructure. Alu-Form technology allows internal electrical fittings and plumbing to be incorporated with a high degree of design efficiency, and as part of the overall building plan. This factor reduces the probability of electrical and plumbing failures. On the rare occasions when they do occur, such problems can be quickly isolated and fixed. This contributes to the overall cost-effectiveness of owning a home constructed with Alu-Form technology.
Moreover, the use of this construction technology vastly reduces the chance of on-site mishaps, making it one of the safest systems for building construction currently available.
Construction siteAlu-Form construction technology involves extremely efficient, light-weight and flexible materials and cuts down on the need for messy brickwork, concrete leakage and the use of conventional, polluting construction equipment. It is therefore one of the most environmentally friendly construction techniques on the market.
Significantly, Alu-Form technology puts an end to the problems of construction irregularities and asymmetrical aesthetics which plague even the best of projects. The finished units are flawlessly balanced and streamlined, providing a finished and sophisticated look and feel.A giant step towards affordable housingThe basic equipment used in Alu-Form construction technology can be reused over up to 300 times, which means that there is significantly reduced wastage. The implied savings during the construction process can then be passed on to buyers into the finished product, making Alu-Form construction technology one of the most viable means of delivering budget housing in cities like Pune.
Since it involves less skilled labour and conventional construction materials, it is ideally suited for the speedy completion of affordably priced homes. The adoption of this revolutionary construction technology is a vital step toward in making budget housing available within market-viable timelines. It will play an extremely important role in bringing India a step closer towards meeting its massive shortfall of affordable housing.
We are engaged in a constant quest for innovative methods of delivering quality homes to our customers. One aspect of this quest is to find and implement new methods of cost-effective, eco-friendly, high-grade construction. We see no reason why homebuyers should compromise on quality when they approach us for homes that fit their budgets.
Kishor Pate, CMD, Amit Enterprises Housing


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