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Plumbing redefined

Unlike in the past when plumbing was considered a ‘dirty business’ and ‘nuisance purchase’, there is better awareness about the profession now. Sudhakaran Nair, President, Indian Plumbing Association Of late, plumbing is being considered as a lucrative profession due to increasing opportunities, opines Sudhakaran Nair, President, Indian Plumbing Association. He also talks about how IPA […]

Need for better urban designs

“The time is right for green design to become mandatory; however the methods of ratification of the “Greenness” of a building and its implementations have often proved to be controversial or downright inadequate,” says Ar Subir Kumar Basu


“Rural roads are a means to achieve the broad objective of rural poverty reduction by providing rural population easy access to social and economic services,” said Rakesh Kumar, Assistant Director, NRRDA
