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Mahindra wins 300 dollar house design challenge

A blog post on the Harvard Business Review website recently challenged readers across the world to design a house that could be constructed for less than US $ 300. Initially a conceptual argument by bloggers Vijay Govindarajan and Christian Sarkar, the hypothetical idea of a house constructed for under US $ 300 received an overwhelming response and they began to bring together a collective of thinkers, designers and investors from around the world.

Ashoka Buildcon boosts regional connectivity with highway project

India on a major expansion spree

As part of a major privatisation drive, India is all set to give away a record 7,300 kms of road building contracts worth around US $ 12 billion. This will make developers more interested in taking on projects. Further foreign investors will also be eager to invest. These factors would mean an increase in investment in the road sector by 40 per cent next year. Additionally, it will also allow the country to meet the target of building 20 kms by 2014, boosting the country’s economic growth.

Ashoka Buildcon boosts regional connectivity with highway project
