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NHAI simplifies qualification guidelines

Instead of submitting bulky documents every time for different highway projects, the highway developers can apply for pre-qualification as a single entity or as a consortium for one calendar year. As of now, for every project, NHAI invites requests for qualification, a process that takes three to four months. In a recent move, NHAI has invited applications for annual pre-qualification (RFAQ) from companies. The companies that get pre-qualified at the RFAQ stage do not have to submit detailed application for project specific qualification stage.
As per notification, the applicant is required to indicate the estimated project cost for which he wishes to get pre-qualified for a year. The estimated project cost has to be indicated in a multiple of Rs. 50 crore starting from Rs. 200 crore. The annual pre-qualification, a long standing demand of developers, is aimed at reducing cost, time and disputes in the bidding process.
The NHAI has also proposed to award projects for two/four and six laning of about 10,000 National Highways in the next one year.


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