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Landscape Design

Transforming vacant spaces into an elegant landscape

Priya Malik, Co-Founder of Urban Living Studio, speaks about landscaping designs and elucidates the importance of façade in today’s lifestyle. To sculpt a beautiful landscape, what type of space should be available? Any space can be nicely planned to transform into a beautiful landscape: balconies, front lawns, backyards, double-height areas, and terraces of all sizes. […]

Importance of Landscape in High-Rise Structures

Ar. Premnath explains how a theme can unify your landscape and guide your plant and material choices. Whether you are interested in completely redesigning your landscape or simply making a few changes, there are some essential factors to consider before you start planting. While many people head straight to their local gardening supply store to […]

Landscape design too is tailored for every site

A key factor customizing the design is the genius-loci of the site which provides the context and guidelines to designers for selecting the appropriate solutions for the site under consideration, says Shweta Kaw, Principal Architect, Studio Meraki. What makes landscape design important in contemporary times? The importance of landscape design has been realized the most […]
