Lighting smart with Opple’s ‘Smart O’

Smart O is an innovative product that delivers healthy light and smart life.
Digital software has acted as a cutting edge technology that can manage every aspect of a project without having to lay a brick, believes Rhambo Zhang, India Head, Opple. Sharing views on how technology is changing the construction industry he says, “Whereas 3D imaging and gadgets have lent a whole new perspective to the design and building of a project. Another add on is the advent of robots taking on a larger role. These applications have greatly transformed on how projects are implemented. They align the entire process from beginning to the end along with an estimated time.”
Breakthrough technology of 2016
Zhang notes, several trends that have been introduced in 2016, which have actually brought a revolution in the lighting industry. Some of them can be listed as follows.
• Healthy lighting: Light is the key influencer for us to show productivity at work. Upsurge in the LED segment is gaining all the required attention. Key lighting manufacturers such as Opple are amongst those key brands that promote ‘Healthy Lighting’ in all its major products. Such lights for both homes and professional are very much required. In order to promote the organisation’s interest and employees’ wellbeing, these come into use.
• No wires: New hi-tech buildings comes with these kinds of hi tech lights. These innovative wireless lights are a trend nowadays. It’s been a major development in the industry. Earlier torch lights, battery lights, etc, were mainly used but the launch of these wirelesses LED’s have helped the overall industry to progress. These LED lights come in enough variants and with a USP of ‘No Wires’. Lights with no wires are the latest trend these days. Users can now control these smart lights via a tablet or a smart phone.
• Smart connectivity: Everything from applications to gadgets is well connected via internet in today’s world. The internet of things is basically used to describe activities that are controlled especially by your computer or the smart phone. Lights that are controlled especially by the web are the new entrants in the industry.
• Quality factor: Earlier there were bulbs, that were to be replaced some or the other time. The new LED technology is far better than the technology used earlier. With the new technology being used in them, these LED’s do not get heat up which somehow leads to better performance and brings out much more efficiency of the product. Indian consumers are of the mindset of getting better products at a low price. These lights are pocket friendly and are available in the market with a renewed focus on quality.
Introduced ‘Smart O’
The latest and most innovative technology announced by the company this year is flicker free lighting, which promotes its motto of healthy lighting. The company introduced ‘Smart O’ this year which for them was one of the best products of the year.
As per Zhang, Smart O is an innovative product that delivers healthy light and smart life. This innovative and ergonomically designed light comes equipped with 5 elegant and smart multifunctions. Discussing on its features he said, “Firstly, the utmost feature that this device has is a wireless music player that plays music of one’s interest and choice. The device comes fitted with a main loudspeaker along with a small woofer that enhances sound quality. Secondly, as Opple works on the motto of healthy lighting, this product says it all. It comprises of professional optical technique surface luminance which reduces the strain on users’ eyes and make it stress free. It’s designed in a manner that distributes uniform light everywhere. Thirdly, the true colour is one of the most eye catching features of this light. This product can absorb light from its surroundings and can light up in the same colour. Smart O lights come enabled with an aid sleeping and auto turn off feature. This comes into uses especially when a person in the room sleeps, then the light automatically turns off. This light is easily controlled by one one’s smart phone and tablet. For example, a person can turn off lights of a different room with their gadget. This basically saves person’s energy and effort. This feature is also considered one of the breakthrough technologies of the year 2016. Lastly, this light is easily controlled by one one’s smart phone and tablet. For example, a person can turn off lights of a different room with their gadget. This basically saves person’s energy and effort. This feature is also considered one of the breakthrough technologies of the year 2016.”
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