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Sustainability, The Way Forward

Today, the “Green Building” concept is the need of the hour and with so many tangible and intangible benefits, the way ahead for green buildings is certainly very promising. Living in a certified green home will ensure a healthier lifestyle, free of the large amounts of allergens and toxins that are present in traditional homes.
Today, the “Green Building” concept is the need of the hour and with so many tangible and intangible benefits, the way ahead for green buildings is certainly very promising. Living in a certified green home will ensure a healthier lifestyle, free of the large amounts of allergens and toxins that are present in traditional homes.
Realizing that the issue of climate change is a pressing concern and that we are all, today a part of a planet with significant resource constraints draws us towards the most unique opportunity to pursue sustainable development.
This initiative has received increasing recognition and acceptance amongst many developers in India, with the emergence of the concept of “green buildings” in India. Moreover, the government is making policy initiatives with the implementation of compliance to existing standards.
Sustainability is synonymous with the concept of a “Green Building”. A “Green Building” aims at increasing the efficiency with which buildings use resources – energy, water, materials – while reducing the impact of the building on human health and the surrounding environment during its life cycle; through better design, construction, operation and maintenance along with removal and recycle of waste. At Rivali Park, CCI Projects has considered maximizing the use of day lighting, cross ventilation, cool roofs vis-à-vis roof gardens, the use of bricks with better U values for the building envelope so as to reduce the electricity consumption and to optimize the heating and cooling loads of the buildings. This directly benefits the end user resulting in cheaper utility bills and increased comfort.
CCI Projects initiates serious efforts towards sustainability, both in terms of design and performance. These efforts produce quantifiable human and health benefits and improve long‑term durability. Low‑emitting paints and adhesives are used, which means they discharge low levels of gas compared to conventional building materials. Green cleaning products are being used to avoid environmental toxins. This improves air quality and provides health benefits for everyone who occupies the premises.
For Rivali Park, CCI Projects seeks an agenda to be environmentally conscious through sustainable development. The development takes into consideration the construction standards addressed and noted by the Indian Green Building Council’s (IGBC) Home certification program along with incorporation of some of the features suggested by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). In its efforts to be the agents of transformation of Indian cities, CCI Projects has brought on board green building experts from LSquare solutions.
Harjith Bubber, CEO & MD, CCI Projects Pvt Ltd comments, “Our upcoming development of green buildings at Rivali Park ensures efficient use of national resources, particularly energy and water along with limited on-site waste, such as effluents and trash. We aim to incorporate renewable energy resources like solar energy for common area lighting and energy use. Efficient glazing glass is installed to maximize the natural day lighting while rejecting the heat gains throughout the day and saving the energy use.
We have recycling programs to reduce waste and Green education program to increases awareness among the occupant. Encouraging a culture of “walk to work” along with public transport access provisions, facilitation for charging of alternative energy vehicles and specially designed facilities for physically challenged are few initiatives we have included at Rivali Park. Furthermore, understanding the building operation is also as important as the design in a green building; thus commissioning the building to fine‑tune system operations is part of our development”.
Today, the “Green Building” concept is the need of the hour and with so many tangible and intangible benefits, the way ahead for green buildings is certainly very promising. Living in a certified green home will ensure a healthier lifestyle, free of the large amounts of allergens and toxins that are present in traditional homes.
“At CCI Projects, our endeavor to attain LEED certification is proof of our dedication to achieve out goals of protecting the environment, our concerns about the impact of man on the earth’s diminishing resources, and our commitment to Build Responsibly”, concludes Mr. Bubber.


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