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Life Style: Urban Life in Rural Background

Life Style: Urban Life in Rural Background

Kolhapur is an urban town in predominately rural area. Its main source of income comes from agriculture and sugarcane farming. Apartment culture is not very old but due to the growing population and as the city is surrounded by river Panchaganga limiting of the horizontal growth from three sides, the population concentrated in the town which has forced the need for vertical developments. Hence apartments are the necessary means of accommodation for the people living in town.

An apartment or a flat is self-contained unit that occupies only a part of a building. People from small town prefer staying in houses on open plots with front yard and backyard.

To own an independent bungalow on an independent plot in urban area in a city is a dream of every individual. “Life Style – Where Dreams Come True” is such a project which gives the feel of an independent bungalow in apartment style. People are used of having their house on open plots and open areas around for several activities. Life Style compensates the urge of having open spaces in the means of the Terrace. Its terrace concept for every apartment gives the feel of a bungalow with lots of space and serenity.

These open spaces carry significant importance in people’s life for various rituals and religious activities in the festive occasions, indeed these open spaces in the form of terrace play a vital role in the Life Style of people in the place like Kolhapur with rural background.

Cultural & Climatic Response
The apartment designed in such a way that it compensates the urge for individual bungalow. The large terrace opening into large common green zone creates a transition spaces between indoor and outdoor. These are very important spaces climatically and culturally. In Indian context these semi open outdoor areas cater to many outdoor activities and also help in controlling indoor environment.

Light & Ventilation
Though it is a group housing project, each apartment is designed with large shaded openings allowing ample light and ventilation. The spaces are cross ventilated, which help in maintaining the thermal comfort. All the openings are recessed and well shaded allow only diffused light and avoid harsh solar radiation – again achieving thermal comfort and creating comfortable indoor environment. All the common areas like lobbies and staircases are well lit and ventilated reducing the energy demand in the project.

Public Spaces
The distance between two buildings is maintained in such a way that all the apartment achieves privacy and yet all of them have visual connection with landscape areas between the two buildings.
These open spaces between two buildings are designed with soft and hard landscape creating interaction areas for young and adults both.

The clubhouse is designed towards the nalla with large amphitheatre, multipurpose hall, playground, lounge etc. These are common facilities for people are designed with landscape.

Contemporary Vernacular Architecture
The project is designed with vernacular and contemporary style of architecture.

The style of architecture creates continuity through the housing with white bands yet each building gets individuality with different colours. The various colours have been used with grey base, again creating backdrop for the scheme. The white bands are designed in such a way that the band wraps the building and shades the facades and openings. The pergola on the top is very dynamic feature of the project creating shaded terraces and at the same time creating different pattern on façade.

Full height openings create an effect of free standing walls. Creating very modern yet cost effective architecture considering this is a developer’s project.
The glass railing helps in maintaining simplicity yet elegance of the project.

Overall this project suites the modern lifestyle of people and still keeps the vernacular ethos intact and compensates the urge to own a bungalow.


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