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AKAA launches 2023-2025 nomination cycle in Singapore

AKAA launches 2023-2025 nomination cycle in Singapore

Director Farrokh Derakhshani announced in Singapore the opening of the 2023-2025 Aga Khan Award for Architecture nomination cycle.

The Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) hosted a two-part seminar at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). During the evening of presentations on the latest cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) critical issues of the built environment, sustainability, and heritage with case studies from around the world were also discussed. The seminar coincides with the week-long World Architecture Festival 2023 in Singapore, featuring presentations by hundreds of renowned architects and upcoming designers.

“Singapore is the hotbed of sustainability, conservation and world-class architecture, which has produced exemplars such as WOHA architects and Kerry Hill Architects who have won awards at previous award cycles. The Southeast Asian region is increasingly finding its niche in the global environment, and we are pleased to have had representatives in previous AKAA Master Juries,” says Farrokh Derakhshani, Director of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture.

The panels of stellar architects include the most recent and past award winners, academics, and practitioners from Southeast Asia included Andra Matin (andramatin); Daliana Suryawinata (SHAU) Dr Chong Keng Hua (Singapore University of Technology and Design);  Wong Mun Summ (WOHA Architects); Kamil Merican (GDP Architects), Ms. I-Jin Chew – WATG and Wimberly Interiors; Dr Imran Tajuddin (National University of Singapore); and moderators Dr Hossein Rezai (Ramboll & Milan Research Lab), and Sarah Ichioka (Desire Lines Pte Ltd).

The event was attended by approximately 300 delegates from architecture, sustainability, civil society, and the diplomatic community, supported by DesignSingapore Council, Ismaili CIVIC, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects and Singapore Institute of Architects.

At the Singapore event, Derakhshani also officially announced that the nomination process for the 2023-2025 Award Cycle was now open. He further explained that, to be eligible for consideration in the 2025 Award cycle, projects must be completed between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2023 and should have been in use for at least one full year.

Event partner, Ismaili CIVIC contributed to help make the seminar as sustainable as possible. They consciously aspired to reduce carbon footprint by arranging 100 percent electric bus transportation for 150 delegates from four locations across Singapore. They also organised post-event car pool stations on-site, gifted plants used for the event forward to SUTD to sequester carbon emission produced and curated zero waste, plant-based catering. The audience and vendors were encouraged to share their carbon emissions to help assess the total footprint. Findings and solutions were presented during the closing remarks by Ismaili CIVIC Singapore representative, Akbar Makani.

For more info visit : https://the.akdn/en/


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