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Bentley Systems, Microsoft join forces to advance connected data environments for infra projects

Bentley Systems announced that its new AssetWise CONNECT Edition and ProjectWise CONNECT Edition uniquely support hybrid computing environments across desktops, mobile devices, and in-house servers. Together, ProjectWise CONNECT Edition and AssetWise CONNECT Edition leverage Microsoft’s Azure cloud services to advance beyond common data environments to connected data environments.

“The next step for connected data environments is to enable business- and operational-intelligence analytics to have open and live access to information within digital engineering models in order that “ET” (engineering technologies) can be brought to bear with IT and OT (operational technologies) to improve the throughput, safety, and reliability of infrastructure asset performance,” Bentley’s CEO Greg Bentley said.

David Epp, Director, Global ISV Alliances, Microsoft Corporation, described Microsoft’s advancements and potential contributions. Epp said, “We currently record over 100 trillion objects in Azure Storage. We are leveraging this power as well as other capabilities to help Bentley enhance connected data environments to deliver more value through new technologies and innovations. Through our newest Cognitive Services—from PowerBI to Cortana analytics and deep learning—we hope to help accelerate the realisation of the BIM potential for Bentley users’ digital engineering models. We are proud that Azure can play a strategic role in the advancement of infrastructure project delivery and asset performance through advanced Bentley solutions.”

Azure and CONNECT Edition hybrid environments enable engineering organisations to virtualise their talent—with work-sharing for project delivery and through innovations such as inspectioneering for asset performance. By the same token, Azure cloud service connections enable Bentley Systems to virtualise the contributions of its own professionals anywhere in the world to users’ environments and projects. Enterprise Success Plans can make ProjectWise and/or AssetWise systems administration and ongoing project provisioning the responsibility of dedicated Bentley experts.


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