It includes boutiques, car showrooms, office entrances, lobbies and salons. The right combinations with mat and metallic colours could also create a stunning backdrop for modern interiors and office reception areas say Designers Rajesh Achrekar and Nandita Ghatge of Kagal Craft What are some of the popular painting techniques to style up the walls? Walls […]
Good interior design is not what you make them see, it’s how you make them feel
Lighting plays a huge role in achieving sound interior design. It’s key to creating a memorable guest experience in hospitality and co-living spaces says Neha Arora N – Founder & Hospitality Interior Designer and India’s leading co-living designer. When it comes to lighting, what kind of products and brands are in vogue? Gold, especially […]
Decoding the idea of Smart Cities
With no available definition the secret behind this elixir of smartness remains closely guarded believes Arijit Sen. As an urban planner what is your idea about smart cities? India is booming with sounds of cranes, wrecking balls, pile drivers, earth movers and cement mixers working tirelessly to provide smart infrastructure, smart traffic, smart travel, smart […]
Smart cities need to be sustainable in order to ensure successful ROI
Praveen Mysore, Director, Cities and Infrastructure, India, Dassault Systemes says developing smart cities will demand substantial investments, which will be locked in for the long term, and in turn, shape India’s urban future. What according to you is the role of people in creating the smart cities? Every smart city needs to be viewed and […]
Indian cities were smart to begin with
Prasanna Desai, Urban Designer, Educationist and Principal at PDA (Prasanna Desai Architects) on what makes cities smarter and the projects his firm had been involved with as a part of the smart city initiative. What in your own words is a smart city? What is the role of architecture and urban design in smart cities? […]
Balancing function and design: durlum
Innovation in the lighting industry would be mainly focused on improving efficiency of lighting thereby increasing the importance of lighting control systems in future. Deependra Singh, Director, Durlum India Pvt Ltd How has durlum utilised the market opportunities? durlum India Pvt Ltd is a member of the German based durlum group of companies, internationally known […]
Adorn your space with Action Tesa’s laminated flooring
Flooring is one of the most important aspects of home decor. It adds to the charm and beauty of your living or office space. Currently, laminated flooring has become the hottest choice of individual customer, preference over stone, marble or carpeting has given a lucrative and sustainable platform. Action TESA is the forefront of this […]
Fenestration industry has no dearth of growth: LGF Sysmac
With the recent influx of façade and window consultants growing in the country, we are positive that the industry will mature, and quality will prevail over cheap stick run of the mill products. Ashim Chugh, Director, LGF Sysmac India Pvt Ltd What’s your take on the performance of fenestration industry in India? As of now […]
“Building smart has become a necessity”
A well-designed building along the philosophy of green building design can be constructed at no or minor incremental cost. Dr. Sanjay Seth, Senior Director, Sustainable Habitat Division, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Energy efficiency is one of the important components of building design. What are the parameters to be considered for sustainable building design? […]
Riding the Wave of Smart Cities
Mala Singh, CMD, PEC Solutions Green Designs Pvt Ltd Feasible economic incentives, realistic and not idealistic planning schemes, visionary determination and leadership are the key drivers for development of Smart Cities in India. Mala Singh, a renowned green entrepreneur, has recently been appointed by the government bodies like CIDCO and Thane Municipal Corporation as an […]