Graebert’s CAD software: easing design

CAD software has changed the way the world works, particularly in the architectural segment. It has replaced traditional drafting and design methods like pen and paper, allowing industries to plan, simulate and produce their new ideas in a single program. One should go through the role of CAD in the architecture industry, highlighting how CAD has revolutionised the intricacies of the planning, design and evaluation processes.
These architectural CAD software allows architects to turn their ideas, concepts into detailed designs and even allow for 3D visualisations with light and material effect. They can render their images to a close reality effect.
History of planning & design
Before CAD, architects would make use of the traditional pen and paper method to draw their sketch plans. This was, however, a time consuming and inaccurate process, and made it extremely difficult to portray buildings in their full three dimensions. Needless to mention that pen-and-paper is outdated for drawing creation. Few architects still prefer to create initial designs on paper before transferring them to CAD. Graebert has few softwares in the industry that can convert scanned drawings to the CAD formats such as DWG and DXF.
With the help of CAD software, architects can create sleeker and more extensive plans with precision, accuracy and 2D/3D capabilities offered by CAD. CAD also makes it easy to share and collaborate on designs. Today the company have widely-accepted file types such as DXF and the dawn of mobile and cloud-based CAD. They can share their design via mobile and cloud and it also speeds up the process of editing and revision by allowing architects to store design plans and features. Architects no longer have to start from the beginning every time they revise a design, and they can easily copy any feature from one design to another.
Below is an architectural plan, which explains the house details: viewer can easily understand about rooms, kitchen, parking and stairs etc.
Another benefit of CAD is that architects can add material and light effect on the drawing; this gives a picture close to reality.
Moreover, architects can create a render view where material and light effect will appear and that will also represent a view which will be very close to reality.
One of the CAD product series ARES Commander, ARES Touch and ARES Kudo from Graebert GmbH, which helps architect to create architectural plans. Graebert’s drafting tools work on desktop, mobile and in the cloud on a web browser. This means that users have access to the drawings and the ability to draw anything on any device.
The company’s most remarkable success has been in providing DWG tools to architectural industry.
Graebert has a product SITEMASTER Kitchen, which helps in kitchen planning and lay outing.
Graebert’s software program also supports LISP and ARX. Graebert can do the customisation of the product as well for bulk orders.
The company has Ares Trinity CAD at very competitive price for mobile, web and desktop. While Graebert has perpetual licences, annual licenses are also available. There is also a network Flex licence option. An architectural landscape plan in ARES Kudo – CAD on web.
Graebert Ares Kudo – CAD on Cloud
“We have an additional tool which can be loaded in ARES application and will provide complete assistance in creating and architectural drawing – CADProfi,” said MD Graebert India.
This tool gives architects following features to work on – composite walls, the ability to specify any wall construction, parametric woodwork (doors and windows), plan, cross-section, and elevation views, a library of furniture, sanitary ware, etc. Architectural symbols: plan description, spot heights, opening and wall penetration symbols, woodwork symbols, etc. architectural dimensioning at any numeric accuracy, drawing and editing emergency escape routes and plans, library of workplace health and safety and fire-safety symbols, fast design work using symbols and object in One-Click technology, automatic numbering wizard, manager of custom user content (blocks, drawing frames, symbols, etc.), automatic bill-of-materials generation; the BOM can be printed or exported using many target file formats, including pdf, rft (doc), xls, xml, csv, etc., automatic generation of visual symbol legends, library of equipment by leading manufacturers of many industries, metric and imperial units available.
Once the architect creates a drawing in 3D, the two views related to that are updated immediately, architects have benefits of creating same building design in various forms – means outer of the building will remain the same and internal planning will keep on changing. The same is with material application when applying a texture – same view can be presented with many different colours and material combinations.
“We see that Indian market has great potential for our software specially after introducing trinity concept. Site master kitchen will also pick up as soon as architects will understand the benefits of it,” said MD Graebert India.
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