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With critical issues of water crisis and global warming; Shilpa Joshi created optimal technology and material for better construction while eliminating the negatives of current practices. She has developed green products that deliver green and clean construction without water, sand and cement
Green is in theme of modern life whether in city or rural. Every corner of society we hear the theme in all walks of life. Quite often the word is spread without real serious views. In fact, the mankind has been always counter to the nature for all along and never liked it in the true stage and shape. Moreover the heavy growth in population is adding load on the planet’s resources. This month, we as a community of this planet will be turning seven billion strength. In due course we may need two similar planets to get accommodated.
Of late we hear quite a number of comments and happenings in environmental changes all over the world. There are few obvious causes for this. We are in a race to consume the natural resources in the shortest possible duration. During the last few centuries more and more natural resources have been diminished compared to earlier centuries. In order to increase the sale, economy and the turnover, we are consuming the natural resources indiscriminately. All is leading to the fact that the earth atmosphere is warming, global average temperatures are on the rise. Polar ice is melting at an historically high rate, raising global sea levels and disrupting habitats and livelihoods, deforestation continues unchecked around the world, as does fossil fuel consumption, both contributing to a rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration.
On the other hand nature has its own equilibrium, and all the natural systems are interestingly interlinked to maintain this equilibrium. Most human activities are naturally a part of this nature and tend to affect these systems while catering to human requirements. However recently there have been cases that indicate the world has been experiencing recent increase in forest fires, desertification, hurricanes and tornadoes.
The civilisation is learning the hard way that the problems are real. We know there are problems, but there are positive actions we can take to help, too. A new movement is beginning; a way for individuals to reduce their impact on the planet as far as global warming is concerned.
Industrial revolution brought about significant developments in almost all industries, and has influenced human life significantly. However, it is essential to understand that most of these technologies, however comfortable and desirable for man, deplete the natural resources, while giving out in-disposable wastes and energy, thus rising the global temperature.
Though natural systems undergo changes due to several factors out of control of man, human activities, do influence the natural cycles creating problems for the future.
Role of construction industryAll of a sudden during the last decade the need of high designed infrastructure has been felt. The largest ever number of projects in building of higher and higher altitudes and longer flyovers and bridges are being installed through all difficult terrines. The industry is consuming almost all the resources in terms of building materials per capita. Land areas are being mined deep for minerals, stones in open mines, sand from rivers and deserts. The increased spread of labour force employed is also creating heavy load on environment. Large areas of land are getting destroyed especially that are under vegetation, forests thus leading to shrinking of animal wild reserves and forest cover.
It is essential to understand that the construction industry utilises materials most extensively which results in depletion of virgin materials. The industry is fast consuming stone, river sand, water, steel, cement and allied materials. Directly or indirectly it contributes a heavy dose of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere. The amount of embodied energy and the operational energy consumed in the process of manufacturing and recycling or reusing these materials is very high. As such the CO2emissions due to construction industry are very high and are damaging the environment seriously.
Despite growing awareness in the industry towards green practices and designs such as solar energy based equipment, rain water harvesting, waste water management and recycling, bio gas plants etc. it is essential to select appropriate materials and adapt new technologies, which reduce carbon footprint. A good amount of water is involved in the construction activity over duration of curing as well as embedded in the structure itself. Though there are programs designed by LEED and green building councils all over the world, building industry is getting to the business of greening. Even regulatory authorities are offering number of incentives and discounts in the tariffs for green concepts in housing.
Role picked up by Green Build productsThe development activity at Green Build Products is one of such efforts in the right direction. The Company is committed to introduce green products based on recycled waste materials, avoid further wastage and most important save on water usage. The Company has successfully developed green products for construction without use of water on site, river bed sand and cement and utilising environmental pollutants such as fly ash, waste crushed sand and mineral fillers. The product range has earned international patent for the technology. These products help adopting clean and green construction activity, consuming fewer number and quantity of materials and reduce carbon footprint by almost 60 per cent compared to that by conventional technology.
Green Build Products offers a range of products that can be used in several stages of construction, such as masonry work, plastering, grouting, coating, finishing and repairing etc. All the products are essentially free from toxic and hazardous chemicals and materials, the formulations are easy to apply, store. The products are available as wet mix, and do not need pre-wetting of bricks or blocks under masonry work, post curing or on-site mixing with water and cure by drying. Water in minimal quantity is mixed at the manufacturing end, as a medium only and is returned to the nature upon dry curing thus saving 100 per cent water. They are packed in 15 kg weight bags at the height of the buildings. The usage of such products save labour time and about 50 per cent reduce on-site material handling, supervision and separate inventory of various materials, thus saving energy and associated costs. Dispensing of materials is very easy at all stages across the construction site. There is no need of mixing any ingredients whatsoever. Thus it saves invoicing, extra handling and wastage of mixed material. After usage the left over material in the bag can be stored for further application and use.
The range of products has been directed on construction and finishing and post construction usage. The construction phase products are suitably based on waste recycling. It can be called as construction with no water, no sand and no cement. It involves zero wastage during and after use and especially recoating any sand surfaces old or new.
The post construction products offer decoration, protection from atmospheric attack, temperature reduction within the interiors thus saving the cost of electrical energy associated with air-conditioning. Besides saving natural resources, energy and cost the products improve quality of construction, by offering excellent adhesion, crack free facades which resist water and moisture ingress, free from fungus, offer excellent weathering and a long life to the construction. Such products are easy to use, easy to mix, easy to handle, long life storage, easy disposal aspects. The products are available in all range of colours, finishes, textures. Special features of decorative range of products is their resistance to water and scrubbing.
Carbon foot-printCarbon dioxide is one of the main contributors to global climate change. CO2 occurs naturally as part of our environment air, of course, but is also released into the atmosphere by human activity. Such activities include burning of fossil fuels for transportation and energy generation is a major source of increasing CO2. In addition the cutting and burning of trees around the world is adding to the problems.
All of our activities are adding to the CO2 and it is being estimated as carbon foot print. It is amount of the gas produced in terms of tons per capita per year. To bring the issue down to a personal level, studies indicate that the average American is responsible for generating 20 tons of carbon dioxide yearly – largely through driving and other travel.
Obviously the first step towards combating global warming is to reduce the usage of materials, recycle the waste produced or dispose off properly in case the recycling or reuse is not possible. The other step is to reduce one’s ‘carbon footprint’ by offsetting remaining CO2 emissions by supporting projects that reduce CO2 emissions or capture CO2.
Green Build products offer opportunity to reduce the carbon foot-print of the project.
Proven PerformanceGreen Build Products are being used at several constructions in metros all over India by renowned construction houses such as Paranjape schemes, Ahluwalia Contracts, Sheth Developers, HDIL, Lodha Developers, BSUP Projects, Flagship Infrastructures, L&T Housing Projects, Shapoorji Pallonji and many more. Eminent clients are trying out new options for their new projects.
It is now necessary to be proactive in altering our systems, our life styles to understand and save the nature for our future which would be a right way to a green future.
Green means GrowthGreen Build Products as a manufacturing company is committed to develop, manufacture and supply eco friendly, no toxic easy to use materials for building industry sector. The Company also conducts hand holding training of masons, construction workers and assistants using company products easily without tiring efforts and safe working. The Company’s quality management system is accredited as per ISO 9001-2008 and is planning for installing ISO: 14001. On the manufacturing front the company plans to add extra capacity to meet increasing demand across the country.


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