This Turkish architect combines cultural legacy with modern innovation, employing biomimicry and parametric design to create sustainable, functional places that mix tradition, technology, and cutting-edge aesthetics across various projects.
Today, wellness and health are given primary importance by almost everyone. With life becoming more mechanical and cities turning into concrete jungles, everyone constantly needs to seek mental and physical wellness beyond their homes.
This interaction delves into how local cultural aspects can be incorporated into architectural designs through a transdisciplinary and international orientation.
This discussion delves into how important it is to consider regional cultural elements when creating architectural designs that are aesthetically pleasing and sustainable.
This interaction discusses how aesthetics and functionality can be tastefully balanced in designs, keeping in mind a place's local climatic context and cultural aspects.
"Design should be thoroughly rooted in the place and context, yet reflecting the spirit of the times it inhabits. Sustainable design involves thoughtful decision-making to build environments that uplift communities and respect their legacy, not merely about choosing materials." Wolfgang Stattmann, Landscape Architect , Stadt+
" Through the integration of unique cultural patterns, colours, and objectives with contemporary design aesthetics, I produce architectural works that are aesthetically captivating and profoundly rooted in their cultural heritage." Ashley Peng , Architectural Designer, SOM , United States