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Wearable technologies revolutionise safety monitoring in the workplace.

Wearable technologies revolutionise safety monitoring in the workplace.

“Developers are taking proactive measures to enhance safety in construction practises through the adoption of technology and safety protocols,” says Rakesh Reddy Director Aparna Constructions.

Rakesh Reddy, Director, Aparna Constructions, talks in an exclusive interaction about evolving safety protocols and architectural requirements for construction safety.

How is the construction industry’s safety evolving in terms of project safety?

A growing phenomenon in the industry is the adoption of wearable technologies to oversee employee safety. Numerous dangers are often challenging to detect until it is too late, such as the adverse effects of incorrect handling methods that result in muscular injuries and joint stress. By leveraging connected wristbands and helmets, workers can receive timely alarms of potential hazards, enabling them to take appropriate measures to prevent unfortunate occurrences.

Furthermore, deploying IoT equipment monitoring systems can effectively alert workers of impending maintenance requirements, facilitating more precise repair scheduling. By leveraging these data points, developers gain deeper insights into machine repair operations through regular, electronically recorded maintenance checks. Consequently, developers can proactively avoid machinery hazards and equipment failure.

How do government regulations and certification standards emphasise construction safety through equipment and technologies?

Several provisions and legislative sections in India ensure the welfare of construction workers. The Building and Other Construction Workers (BOCW) Act of 1996 is one such provision with the primary objective of safeguarding the welfare of construction workers who are exposed to high-risk working conditions. The Work Health and Safety Code of Practice 2015 provides comprehensive guidance to principal contractors and other individuals engaged in construction-related activities, outlining the specific duties and responsibilities of those involved in construction management. Workers must possess a documented Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) plan, and the developers must ensure their workforce receives comprehensive training on safety measures to mitigate risks. These initiatives provide critical support to supervisors and workers while guaranteeing the efficient execution of high-risk tasks safely and securely.

How frequently are audits and testing required for a construction project’s safety?

Developers are taking proactive measures to comply with safety norms and reinforce safety guidelines. Routine checks and audits have become increasingly popular, aided by technology that simplifies safety data and workflows into instantaneous reports, making the auditing process more efficient and seamless.

To comply with regulatory and insurance prerequisites, frequent evaluations are conducted to ensure teams are meeting safety requirements. Safety is now a top priority across all sectors, and safety-enhancing technologies and protocols have become standard in many procurement processes.

The prevalence of heavy equipment at worksites has highlighted the importance of preventive maintenance to prevent equipment malfunctions that can threaten personnel and interrupt operations. Proactive maintenance and Internet of Things (IoT)-based monitoring are viable solutions to enhance efficiency and minimise risk.

Construction practices employ new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and marketing automation to perform real-time audits while minimising risk. Developers embrace these advancements to stay ahead of emerging safety norms and maintain a safe work environment.

Please discuss the architectural requirements that can be incorporated into the initial design phase of building construction for safety.

The role of an architect in residential and commercial development is critical, encompassing both aesthetic and functional aspects. Architects are responsible for ensuring building safety and public health and creating visually appealing structures.

The architect must ensure proper fire safety measures and efficient escape routes while prioritising sustainability to minimise the building’s environmental impact. This multifaceted responsibility requires a meticulous and comprehensive approach.

To ensure compliance with regulations, architects must work closely with public health and safety experts throughout the design phase. Collaboration with engineers is also crucial to meet structural, geotechnical, and zoning obligations.

During the design and construction phases, the architect must implement various measures to uphold health and safety standards for workers and occupants. Creative solutions must be employed to ensure the highest safety, security, and quality standards are met. By prioritising safety and working closely with experts, architects can ensure their designs are visually appealing and safe for public use.

What role do construction materials and structures play in project safety?

Efficient and risk-mitigating construction practices are essential in the industry. Modular construction and prefabrication are widely adopted for their waste-reducing and productivity-enhancing potential. Many adopters of modular construction have cited safety benefits, and Mivan technology and formwork systems are becoming industry norms.

Developers also integrate eco-friendly materials and natural energy sources into architectural design while optimising safety through building modelling tools. Advanced analysis, design methodologies, and drone footage of construction sites enable the efficient construction of buildings with minimal environmental and human impact.

What difficulties do builders and contractors encounter in conforming to design safety parameters?

The real estate industry is the second-highest employer in India. Consistent training, development, and up-skilling of the workforce are crucial to conform to design safety parameters.

Keeping up with technological advancements is challenging as it creates skills gaps. Developers prioritise training and expand their workforce’s skillsets to gain a competitive advantage. Operational efficiency and technological transformation are essential for the industry. The time is ripe to reassess previous practices and introduce new systems incorporating emerging technologies like AI and data analytics.


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