Precast concrete has distinct advantages over cast in situ construction
Quality of these elements are far better as we produce it using same moulds in same environment, Mr. Shridhar Rao Vice President- Sales, Elematic India Pvt. Ltd.
In an interview with Ace Update, Shridhar Rao, Vice President- Sales elucidates on the unique solutions Elematic offers for concrete transportation and distribution of mass production of precast elements.
What is the role of precast in catalysing the construction of railway and metro infra?
We require special equipment/ vehicle like heavy-duty cranes and high capacity longer transport vehicles in precast construction. With availability of these items, it has been possible to construct the metro station floor plates also with precast elements. However, foundations, piers, staircases, lift wells etc are cast in situ. The top pier cap supporting track and platform is constructed in three parts. Middle part is fixed on pier with stitch pour. Then side parts are connected which are stitched together by pre-stressing. Similarly, concourse cross arm is also in three parts and fixed in similar way. Platform and concourse floor are constructed using girders. Two adjoining girders are joined by stitch concrete pour. This method of construction provides three distinct advantages, namely faster construction, better finish and least obstruction at site. After completion of floor plates; staircase, lift well and other partitions are provided in a conventional way.
How is Elematic India paving the way for mass concreting to produce precast elements in large quantity?
Elematic has a very unique solution of concrete transportation and distribution for mass production of precast elements. We have concrete shuttle system; it runs on track. It has sensors in it and programmed in such way that it identifies batching and mixing plant chutes. It works automatically and goes under B&M; concrete gets inside the shuttle. Then it travels on the track and reach to the distributor/hopper and pour concrete on moulds to take element shape. This system avoids vehicle movement at the yard for concrete transportation. In the result, it helps to save vehicle cost, fuel and human resources.
What is the role of precast in construction and building of bridges and tunnels?
Precast concrete has distinct advantages over cast in situ construction. As the elements are produced in the factory environment and requiring only installation, site activities are reduced to minimal, saving significant site activity time. Quality of these elements are far better as we produce it using same moulds in same environment, the elements are nearly uniform adding to aesthetics. Further, quality control and curing of elements is much better and easier in casting yard in comparison to cast-in-situ construction resulting in more durable end product. With proper planning, precast construction is more economical in overall scenario. In addition, as casting is done in yard where environment pollution control can be done more effectively and due to minimum site activities resulting in less noise and pollution at actual site of work, precast construction is more environmentally friendly option. This also results in more convenience to public during the construction phase.
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